In June 2020, despite complicated conditions…
Hugo Dominguez-Carranza started with BuCoMO for a M1 internship in Stellenbosch, and he carried on for his M2 (based in Lyon). He did field work in Limpopo in late 2019, under unseasonal rains, and then he was in Stellenbosch in March 2020 when the world became crazy. He was repatriated by his University, literally catching the last flight out of Cape Town before the airport closed. After which he was in lockdown for the rest of the time, and to his credit he nevertheless managed to propose a very nice Masters, that he defended (remotely) in June 2020.
You can read his work here:

We are also very glad to announce that Hugo accepted a PhD position in Bern, to work in Pierre Lanari’s CPaG group.
Congratulations !
H. Dominguez-Carranza, June 2020