At the end of 2021, we are glad to welcome three new PhD students into the BuCoMO project.

Steve Kitoga will embark on a project on the link between alteration of Archaean sedimentary rocks, and geochemical signatures in TTGs (as advertised here). Steve is a graduate from UJ, where he obtained a MSc degree under Prof. S. Tappe, with outstanding marks (85 %). CoVid willing, he will start in Stellenbosch in October ’21, be in the field in Barberton in November, and come to France (Clermont-Ferrand) late in 2022. This is truly a collaborative project involving many tools and places: JF Moyen (Clermont-Ferrand / St-Etienne), Gary Stevens (Stellenbosch), Maud Boyet (Clermont-Ferrand), Johanna Marin-Carbonne (Lausanne).

Marcel Vinicius Santos Leandro is starting a Stellenbosch-based PhD, under the supervision of Gary Stevens, and co-supervised by Alex Kisters and Jean-François Moyen. He did his undergraduate in Geological Sciences (2018) and master’s degree (2021) at the Federal University of Sergipe (Brazil). His doctoral research includes petrology, geochronology and isotope geochemistry, to understand the correlation between the Archean alkaline magmatism (i.e., ~3.1 Ga Boesmanskop Complex) and previously crustal recycling in the Kaapvaal Craton. Marcel will join us during the Nov’21 trip.

Brian Mapingere is also a UJ graduate, working towards his PhD degree with Jérémie Lehmann (and some input by Alain Chauvet, we hope he will be able to truly benefit from the BuCoMO collaboration). His work is structural and investigates the link between gold and deformation in the Mwanesi Greenstone Belt in Zimbabwe.
2 replies on “Welcome to our new PhD students !”
[…] As of July 2021, this PhD has been awarded to Steve Kitoga. […]
[…] Steve and Marcel both discovered Barberton geology. Marcel mapped and sampled components of the syenites around Badplaas. Steve, despite some car adventures in the mountains, reached various chert bands and sampled good sections below them. […]